Multimedia - Web Design, Interactive Media, Motion Graphics
Branding - The bigger picture of tommorow
Print Design - Layout, Packaging, Signage
Apps - Multiplatform Design, Intuitive rich applications
About our Philosophy
About MD-Studios
  • Be Moved.
  • Our team started as an in-house design studio for a very clever engineering firm who quite simply (in laymen's terms) measures mechanical parameters such as sound, temperature and fatigue in predominately the automotive and aerospace markets. Quickly we realized that even though we are part of the larger team we needed our own identity. MECALC (the name of the engineering firm) DESIGN STUDIOS was born.

    From working with highly innovative and technically astute people over the last 5 years, we have learnt how to layer meanings in design - everyone should have room for interpretation - even if the concept is complicated, you shouldn't have to be an engineer to understand it. We've learnt to think more about the purpose of design, how it fits into building a brand (not just a campaign) and push technology frontiers. From this we've quirkily termed ourselves, Design Engineers. Designers who think.

    For each of us what MD stands for, is meaningful and relevant - just how design should be. We love the confidence and sharpness that is associated with being a Medical Doctor or Managing Director. But also love that MD can stand for being MoveD. Design must leave people moved.

    So every agency has an ideal project. What's ours? Well intelligent design, clean design and design that not only constitutes a campaign but builds a brand.

Multimedia Design
  • Awesome, you are already
    hooked aren’t you?
Graphic Design
  • With design so sweet it tastes just
    like ice-cream.
3D Design
  • Packed with retina graphics we care
    about your eyes!
Interior Design
  • Simplicity is the ultimate
see more

Interactive Design & Motion Graphics

Graphic Design
Graphic Design

Print Design

3D Design
3D Design

3D Design & Animation

Interior Design

Interior Decor